For Pengakap Kanak-Kanak (Cub Scouts), one may receive the Keris Gangsa (Bronze Dagger) badge, Keris Perak (Silver Dagger) badge and Keris Emas (Gold Dagger) badge. The dagger or Keris is a malay dagger used as an official weapon by the royalty. One must attain all preceding badges before qualifying for the next one. Besides that, one may also receive various merit badges throughout the course of receiving the three Keris badges. Someone who has achieved the Keris Emas badge with certain merit badges is entitled to wear the Rambu Pengakap Kanak-Kanak (Cub Scout Lanyard), which is blue in colour.
For Pengakap Muda (Scout), one may receive the Usaha (Third Class) badge, Maju (Second Class) badge and Jaya (First Class) badge. One must attain all preceding badges before qualifying for the next one. Same as the previous stage, one can also receive a total of eight merit badges; two for hobbies, three for knowledge, and another three for service. Someone who achieves the First Class badge with the eight other merit badges is entitled to wear the Rambu Pengakap Muda (Junior Scout Lanyard), which is green in colour.
For Pengakap Remaja (Senior Scout), one may receive Jaya Diri (Independence) badge, Kemahiran (Skills) badge, Kegiatan (Activities) badge, Ekspedisi (Expedition) badge and Perkhidmatan (Service) badge. These badges are often known as the five highest rating badges (Lima Lencana Tertinggi) after the King Scout badge, for a scout who achieves these badges has earned all the badges available, and is eligible to become a King Scout, as well as entitled to the Rambu Pengakap Remaja (Senior Scout Lanyard), which is yellow in colour.
Once one has obtained the Rambu Pengakap Muda and Rambu Pengakap Remaja, one is eligible to become a Pengakap Raja (King's Scout). The qualified candidate will hand in his/her application form to the district commissioner together with his/her logbooks and certs (of all badges received). He/she will be evaluated and made to undergo a Ujian Sikap Pengakap Raja (King Scout Code of Conduct Examination), which consists of five components: Tanggungjawab (Responsibility), Pengembaraan (Expedition), Perkhidmatan Masyarakat (Community Service), Kegiatan (Activity), and Berdikari (Independence). This evaluation is either done in a camp (three days two nights) organized by the district or state level or done as part of a five-day four-night expedition. Either way, all five components are covered.
Once a candidate passed the Ujian Sikap Pengakap Raja, he/she qualifies for the Pentarafan Pengakap Raja (King Scout Standardization Camp), a three-day two-nights organized by his/her respective Lembaga Pentaraf Negeri(State King Scout Standardizers).
Pentarafan Pengakap Raja involves solo camping and making campcraft (minimum 20 gadgets), pioneering, first aid, foot and stave drills, backwoodsman cooking and handicraft making. Then the Calon Pengakap Raja (King's Scout Candidate) receives a Rambu Pengakap Raja (Bushman's Thong), which is self-made. Once one has passed, the prestigious Sijil Pengakap Raja (King Scout certificate), which is signed by every king/sultan from all nine states of Malaysia as well as signed and presented personally by the Sultan of the state in which one passed his test, at the palace.